1. How does it feel to be named ‘Young Vegan Of The Year’?
It’s amazing and surreal at the same time. I was shocked that I was even nominated! It’s such a big honour, especially winning along with someone like Jack. He seems like an amazing guy!
2. You live with your parents at A Place of Peace — an animal sanctuary in Australia. What is that like and what is your role?
It’s hard work. Often my parents and I are doing things all day to look after animals, and ‘chore time’ can take anywhere up to two to three hours. My role includes lots of things like shovelling manure, cooking, looking after nesting geese, cleaning water troughs, and bottle-feeding orphaned baby goats. That’s just a small part of it! It’s fantastic here though, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. It’s so incredibly wonderful to just be around these gorgeous animals and to know that part of the reason they’re happy and safe is because of me. I love it here and I am blessed to have grown up in this place with these beautiful beings.
3. If you could share a message with young people around the world about animals and the vegan lifestyle, what would it be?
Veganism is a compassionate path to walk and will do so much good to you and the animals of the world if you walk it. The more people who are vegan means more people opening their eyes to the idea of a kind and compassionate world.
4. Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Don’t let people change your mind. There is no excuse for how the human race treats its fellow animals, and there’s no excuse for eating them. Anyone who says that there is, is just trying to justify it to themselves. People might try and bully you into their way of thinking, and that is truly the hardest part of it. If you can overcome what other people may think, say, or do, then you’ll be fine. And always take the high road of the argument, calm and polite is better than angry and yelling.
Click to view slideshow.Follow Tamsin on Twitter: @MismatchNismat
**** Check out our interview with the male Young Vegan of the Year Jack Styles in Vegans Are Cool – available free to download here. Find his interview in Chapter 3.