Marlie Adams is a young vegan with compassion and a sincere love for animals. Marlie recently shared with us her thoughts and feelings about the vegan lifestyle.
1. What is the best thing about being vegan? How long have you been a vegan for?
That you don’t kill animals and eat the inside of them. I’ve been vegan all my life. I love being vegan because I know you don’t hurt animals. Food is yummier when you’re vegan, it tastes good.
2. What is your favourite vegan food?
Vegan ice cream. An American one by Good Karma called Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge ( I know it’s not food, it’s junk food… hahahahaha
My favorite vegan book is “Benjy Beansprouts Doesn’t Eat Meat”. Benjy is vegan and the other kids aren’t and the other kids are mean to him and think he’s weird so Benjy goes to a sanctuary, takes pictures of the animals and Benjy shows them how it’s better to be vegan than to eat meat.
3. Are you involved in any activities to help other people learn about veganism?
At my old school I made a poster for Thanksgiving called “Animals I Saved”. On one side I showed animals in factory farms and on the other side I showed what they should look like- living free. I showed all my friends at school and told them about how badly animals are treated for food. One of my friends said that’s just the way it goes, they die and another, Ana was on my side! I told him that’s NOT the way it goes, they hang them from one leg and slit their throat open with a knife, alive. From seeing my poster Rebecca, Ana and Evin said they will be vegan when they are older. Evin didn’t want to eat his chicken nuggets at lunch but Miss Sarah said he will be hungry so he did. Every day they saw me bring yummy vegan, delicious food and want to know more about being vegan so I always told them.
I went to like a million protests- animal and circuses. I held up signs and I was screaming “they hurt animals, don’t go in and the animals are very very sick, you should not support them”!
Now I’m in the Dharma school where everyone has to eat vegan food at school.
I wear vegan tshirts- I want people to go vegan so they don’t kill animals.
4. Which animal is your favourite and is there any special reason why they are your favourite?
I have many favorite animals- kittens, puppies, piglets, guinea pigs, rabbits, lambs, calves, fowl, baby swans and joeys. I love them because they are so cute and I love to snuggle them. I still love them when they get older and still think they are cute. I can’t name every single animal that I like.
5. Do you think animals have feeling like humans do? Do you think the baby animals miss their mothers when they are seperated?
Yes, animals have feelings like humans. Because we are animals as well, just a different type of animal. Yes, I think they miss their mothers a lot.
6. If you could send a message out to the people of the world about animals and about going vegan, what would you say?
I would say can you please stop killing animals and go vegan. Animals have feelings as well as humans, there is no difference. I would like it if everyone in the world could go vegan because then we could have a healthier life. Being vegan is about being nice to animals and not hurting them!
7. Have you inspired other kids to go vegan? What do the kids at school think about your lifestyle?
Yes, I have in my old school: Evin, Ana and Rebecca, they said they will go vegan when they grow up. Also, at my school now most of my friends are vegan and the other kids are not vegan but we are trying to get them to be vegan, so if they want to be our friend they will have to go vegan. I want all my friends to be vegan. I wonder if my tooth fairy is vegan? I bet because I’m vegan they gave me a vegan tooth fairy. Yes!
Marlie Adams will be 8 in July and lives in Australia.